It had huge ears and he could run fast. Apparently it lives back there. Other people have seen it. At first when I saw it, I thought it was a cat then realized it had huge ears. It was cute though. I tried to get a better picture of it but it ran away too fast. I actually went out there to catch a hummingbird that lives out there. He is really pretty too. My husband has taken a picture of him with his Nikon D5000
It's Monday and the it's the start of a new week. What ever you did last week is done. Scrape off the dirt from last week and start over. This week we are looking for people to fill our calendar for pictures. What ever you are needing - family pictures, new baby pictures, wedding, engagement, maternity, pet, or a special order landscape or bird. Just email us at and we will get back to you with pricing and scheduling. Spring and summer slots are filling up so get in touch with us soon if you are looking for a specific date.
Today, how about some potato salad? This works well for dinner today and leftovers tomorrow (if there are any). It's easy and quick. I use less mayonnaise most of the time depending on the size of the potatoes and also add diced black olives and celery sliced. Try this today or when you are having company.
Enjoy your day !
Good Old Potato Salad
5 pounds potatoes, peeled and chopped
10 eggs
10 green onions, chopped
1 (24 ounce) jar sweet pickles, drained and chopped
2 cups mayonnaise
1. Place the potatoes in a large pan of water and boil over medium-low heat until tender, about 12 minutes. Drain the potatoes, and place in the refrigerator to cool.
2. Place the eggs in a saucepan of cold water over medium heat, and bring to a full boil. Turn off the heat, cover the pan, and allow the eggs to sit in the hot water for about 15 minutes. (This really does work and it saves energy. You can do other items this way but the time varies.) Cool the eggs thoroughly under cold running water and shell them. Chop the cooled eggs and place them in a large salad bowl.
3. Stir the onion, sweet pickles, and mayonnaise into the eggs, and let the mixture chill in the refrigerator at least l/2 hour to blend the flavors. Mix in the chilled chopped potatoes, and refrigerate for at least 1/2 hour. Serve cold.
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