While I love my new Canon DSLR, the B&W pictures from the DSLR are different than those shot with the older film cameras. I still love to take my 35mm camera out with B&W film and shoot pictures of things. There is a much different look and feel to them. You notice so many more details in B&W than you do in color.
This morning, I was out before 7 looking for our little hummingbird again but he was a no show for a few hours so I came in to finish this blog. It's Friday, let's have some fun! I'm actually looking to expand my portfolio with some newer and fresher images. In the next few days, I will make a really cool offer for someone. A really good deal for a few interested and quick people. Stay tuned. . . .
Right now, I could use a nice cold drink - non-alcoholic of course. Have you ever made homemade slushies? Watermelon and strawberry are my favorites. Today, try the watermelon one and maybe sometime again, we can share the strawberry one.
Happy Friday!
Watermelon Cooler Slushy
4 cups cubed seedless watermelon
10 ice cubes
1/3 cup fresh lime juice
1/4 cup white sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1. Place watermelon and ice into a blender. Pour in lime juice, sugar, and salt. Blend until smooth.
I love my blender
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