Saturday, March 19, 2011

The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity. ~ Winston Churchill

Today - are the optimist or the pessimist?  I'm trying really hard to be the optimist but find myself slipping in to pessimism too often for my comfort.  Building a business is hard work and takes lots of no's to get one yes.  More people are apt to shut you off before they hear what you have to say than there are ones who will listen to what you can offer them.

I love consulting and photography and want to pursue careers in both ~ as well as writing : ).  Consulting is very exciting to me.  Always meeting new people and finding out how you can help them achieve their dreams.  And with photography, you can work with people in a lot of different situations and interact with them to get ideas that fit them perfectly.  All too often though, I hear that they can get 'pictures' at one of the stores for cheaper!  True, you can get pictures in a booth at Universal Studios too.  However, if you want lasting memories, you will hire a photographer to make those memories for you for not a lot more than you pay for 'stand on the x pictures'. 

I am still trying to get through the set of books by Scott Kelby.  They have a lot of information to absorb even after photographing for over 20 years and college classes in photography, I am learning a lot.  Especially with the new digital cameras, there is so much more you can do than with the old 35mm cameras.  I still have 2 Minolta 7000i's that I love to take out and photograph scenery and people in black & white.  There is just something about true black and white that is amazing to me.  The warmth of the pictures in black and white and the beautiful sepia tones from real film. 

Today, I am going to take pictures of children and a new baby (2 separate sessions).  Should be a lot of fun to make the first lasting memories of the newborn with his parents and then a young musician practicing her new found art.  It will be a fun day!  Then off to a barbeque with family ~ burgers and dogs.  It is supposed to be 85 here today so plenty of sunshine.  : )

Get out and do something fun today with your loved ones.  Today, do something easy for dinner in the crock pot.

Happy Saturday ! !


BBQ Pork for Sandwiches 

1 (14 ounce) can beef broth
3 pounds boneless pork ribs ( I use tenderloin a lot of times and it's great)
1 (18 ounce) bottle barbeque sauce

1. Pour can of beef broth into slow cooker, and add boneless pork ribs. Cook on High heat for 4 hours, or until meat shreds easily. Remove meat, and shred with two forks. It will seem that it's not working right away, but it will.
2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Transfer the shredded pork to a Dutch oven or cast iron skillet, and stir in barbeque sauce.
3. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until heated through.
I usually just put this back in the crock pot for another hour or more with the BBQ sauce in it and stir about every half hour.  My favorite BBQ sauce is Bill Johnson's Big Apple or Cattlemen's Kansas City Classic Barbecue Sauce.  (Cattlemen's is the better of the two ~ in my opinion.)Cattlemen's Award Winning Kansas City Classic Barbecue Sauce, 18-Ounce Plastic Bottles (Pack of 6)

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