I have found myself again asking for a light load and am again pushing myself to ask for a strong back and strong will to meet the challenges that I know I need to face head on now. I want to be strong through this so that I can look down from the mountain top and survey the wondrous valley that I just came through. You know the song, 'if it weren't for the valleys, I wouldn't thank God for the mountain tops'.
I am currently in the middle of reading several really good books - I know, I can't just read one. The one that I am enjoying the most right now is 10 Spiritual Principles of Successful Women: Discovering Your Purpose, Vision, and Blessing. It is really a good book and I'm only through the first chapter so far. Being a business person doesn't mean you can't have principles. You can be the best business person in your field. You just have to stay focused. I'll let you know when I finish it and how I like it then.
Today, let's have some fun with the kids. Kids love to cook and bake -- probably just because it means time with you. If you don't have kids, borrow some and try this recipe. Remember their cooking mitts! : )
Have fun!
Peanut Butter Cocoa Krispies
5 cups cocoa krispies (cocoa or chocolate-flavored rice puff cereal)
1 cup sugar
1 cup white corn syrup
12 ounce jar extra crunchy peanut butter
Measure cereal into large metal bowl. Set aside. Line a baking sheet with waxed paper. Spray long handled spoon with cooking spray. Set aside. Heat sugar and syrup until boiling.
Remove from heat and immediately stir-in peanut butter. Stir until peanut butter is melted and combined. Pour warm mixture over cereal in bowl. Stir with already greased spoon. Drop by spoonfuls onto prepared baking pan.
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