Sunday, January 9, 2011

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

We all have our comfort zones and some of us have several.  Yours could be anything - your job, your house, your relationship status.  Today, I am challenging you to step outside of that comfort zone and take the next step to do whatever it is that you have been pushing aside for so long.

For me, it has been getting my own business started and working from home again.  It wasn't until I was without a job that I started thinking about getting out and into the market again.  I was comfortable where I was at but the Lord kept pushing me and I was digging in and holding on.  Then things changed.  I am now doing my own thing again and loving it.  I am also working on several other things that too long I have been comfortable with but not any more.

I really like grilled chicken breast  but hate that so many people cook it till it's dry because they are afraid of serving raw chicken.  These tips should help you to get great grilled chicken without drying it out every time.

Happy Sunday!

Grilled Chicken Breasts

To grill a moist chicken breast with drying it out, or any individual chicken pieces you want to grill, wash them. I like to trim the excess fat, but it's up to you. Take a fork and pierce the chicken all along the breast, on both sides.
Take the pierced chicken and cover it in olive oil and seasonings, or your favorite marinade. Olive oil is great for adding subtle flavor to dishes, and for keeping meat from drying out too quickly. With the chicken pierced, your liquid will soak deeper into it, locking in the moisture.
Let the chicken marinate for at least 20 minutes. If you are using a vinegar based marinade (such as Wishbone Italian Dressing), don't leave it for more than an hour. Whether barbecuing, broiling, or frying, heat up your pan or grill.
Take the marinated chicken and toss it on your grill/ in your pan. It only needs to cook for 6 or 7 minutes on each side; any more and you're going to have dried out chicken. Take it off the grill and serve immediately.

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